About Me

Hello! I'm Emmanuel Martinez

I am an aspiring IT student sharing my journey in the tech world in this little corner of web. Within these virtual pages, you'll discover more than just codes: it's a peek into what I love, where I'm headed, and all the cool stuff I'm learning. Come along and let's make some virtual memories together!

09-18-2001 Male Taguig Email GitHub


Discover my interests and hobbies that captivate and continue to inspire me.


I have a deep passion for music and enjoy listening to various genres. I find comfort in music that provides soundtrack to my life and my experiences.

Working Out

Physical fitness is a crucial part of my lifestyle. I engage in regular workouts to stay fit, healthy, boost my energy, and maintain a positive mindset.


Programming and coding have become more than just an academic task for me, but serves as my creative outlet.


I think of photographs as a time capsule that preserves snapshots of moments in time that are forever gone. Capture and remember it.


Reading open doors to new worlds, ideas, and perspectives. Through reading, I immerse myself in the world of science, history, and and philosophy.


I like exploring new destinations and experiencing places, embarking on adventures and just observe the pace of world as I blaze through busy roads.


I've got these dreams and goals that are more than just mere lists, but whisphers from future about what I could be.

Graduating College

I'm determined to rock that graduation cap. College, with all its challenges and late-night study sessions, is a chapter I'm committed to finishing strong. Because, hey, it's not just about the degree; it's about learning, friendships, and journey.

Bridging Technology and Humanity

Being an IT student, I want to do more than just code. I'm on a mission to connect the intricate world of IT with the beating heart of humanity. As technology continuously become a bigger part of our lives, I want to make tech that feels like a warm hug, and not just fancy lines on a screen.

Lifelong Learning

For me, life's biggest gift is the endless pursuit of knowledge. Whether it's diving into the world of coding or learning life's lessons from every twist and turn, I'm on a mission to keep growing. It's not just about textbooks; it's also about embracing the wisdom life throws my way.

Cultivating Meaningful Connections

Let's connect beyond the work jargon. I'm all about building relationships that feel like sharing stories around a bonfire. It's not just about professional networks; it's about finding kindred spirits who share the passion for growth and creativity.

Exploring the World

Oh, and here's a big one – I want to explore this beautiful world. Traveling, experiencing different cultures, and soaking in the diversity – that's the plan. Adventures await, and I want to collect stories from every corner of the globe.

Making a Positive Impact

Sure, career goals are cool, but what really fires me up is making a difference. I want to use my skills to solve real-world problems and put smiles on faces. The joy of knowing that my work has a positive ripple effect? Now, that's the goal.

Finding My Purpose

For 22 years, I've been on a quest to discover my purpose. That quest is not just about the what; it's about the why. In a universe that is seemingly uncaring and devoid of any inherent purpose, I believe that finding our own purpose adds color to every step we take, and I'm excited to uncover mine.

So, there you have it: my heart laid bare, my dreams out in the open. I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me in five years— and beyond.


Take a peek into the little web development exercises I've worked on lately.

World Map

Country Search

Explore the world through this country searcher that uses REST API to discover facts about a country and its neighbors.


Quick Timer

Enhance your time management skills with Quick Timer, a simple and easy-to-use tool for quick and precise time tracking.


Form List

A simple and personalized form list exercise that allows users to add, display, and delete user information quickly.

Numbers one to ten

Number Guesser

A simple fun game I've made to add a bit of thrill to your day. Take a guess, trust your instincts, and exercise your logic skills.

Tic Tac Toe


Play the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game. Challenge a friend, strategize your moves, and win this timeless game of Xs and Os.



Dive into my thoughts that keep me up at night, biggest questions and dose of existential dread.

Computer Code

Ctrl + Alt + Journey

A heartfelt chapter of struggles, triumphs, defeats, and challenges of my journey in college.

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Time Spiraling

The Riddle of Time

What exactly is time? Clocks tick, calendars turn, but what is actually going on? Is it even real?

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Penrose Stairs

All About Paradoxes

I love paradoxes. Let's take a deep dive into them and how they expose the limits of human thought.

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saudade art


A short poetic journal about a word that wholly captures and weaves the complexity of the human emotions.

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Truman Show


From stars, to existence, free will, meaning, and universe. A peek inside my conversation with the void.

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